"Triumph of Evil" documentary film produced by SENSE News Agency about SREBRENICA Trial, is the first, and so far the only, video-document about one complete trial before an international criminal tribunal after the Nuremberg and Tokyo trials.
The documentary "Triumph of Evil" shows all stages of the trial: from the Prosecutor`s Opening Statement to the Trial Chamber Judgment.
The ICTY Judgment in Srebrenica Trial was rendered on 2nd August 2001. The accused – Bosnian Serb General Radislav Krstic - was the first person convicted of genocide by the ICTY and sentenced to 46 years imprisonment. He was found guilty of participating in deportation around 30.000 women and children and mass execution of at least 7 000 Muslim men by the Bosnian Serb Army, after the fall of Srebrenica enclave in July 1995.
The documentary includes the most dramatic testimonies by witnesses who survived the execution and other victims of crimes committed in Srebrenica, as well as testimonies of the accused and defense witnesses. An important part of the documentary is dedicated to the presentation of forensic evidence: exhumations of primary and secondary mass graves, bodies and personal belongings found in the mass graves and other exhibits presented by both sides during the trial, with testimonies of the forensic experts.
"Triumph of Evil" was broadcast by many TV stations in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, and has received very positive reviews in local media.